Gambling Addiction
Gambling addiction, also known as compulsive gambling or gambling disorder, is a behavioral addiction characterized by an uncontrollable urge to gamble despite the negative consequences it may have on one's life. It is classified as an impulse control disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Signs and symptoms of gambling addiction may include:
Preoccupation with gambling: Constantly thinking about past gambling experiences or planning the next gambling session.
Need to gamble with increasing amounts of money: Feeling the need to bet larger sums of money to experience the same level of excitement.
Failed attempts to stop or control gambling: Unsuccessful efforts to cut back or quit gambling.
Restlessness or irritability when attempting to stop gambling: Feeling restless or agitated when trying to reduce or cease gambling.
Chasing losses: Trying to recoup previous gambling losses by continuing to gamble.
Lying to conceal gambling behavior: Attempting to hide the extent of one's gambling from family, friends, or loved ones.
Jeopardizing relationships or opportunities: Neglecting personal relationships, work, or educational opportunities due to gambling.
Resorting to illegal activities: Engaging in dishonest or illegal behavior to obtain funds for gambling.
Financial problems: Experiencing financial difficulties as a result of excessive gambling.
Emotional distress: Feeling anxious, depressed, or irritable due to gambling-related issues.
Overcoming a gambling addiction is possible with the right support received. It is necessary to come forth for help early to reduce the harmful consequences and costs of problem gambling.
At BGSS, we are committed in guiding you and journeying with you through the recovery process.